Neon Pulse is a trio of musicians who have developed a unique musical experience. Featuring live female and male vocals backed by bespoke sequencing and live synthesisers, creating a fun filled event featuring classic electro pop hits, performed with energy and devotion. 

Neon Pulse are:

Pete Sankey - Vocals

Vanessa Tuzzio - Vocals

Nik Owen Jones - Synths and Programming

Cam Jones - Sound and Lighting Programming

Neon Pulse provide a show which is performed through a quality PA system with computer controlled lighting. 

Songs chosen are classics, from the late 70’s through the 80’s to the early 90’s. 

All backing is bespoke. Programmed from scratch by Nik using vintage synthesisers, drum machines, guitars and modern production techniques. Live, the backing tracks are run as sequences from a MacBook and Nik plays over the top, performing a lot of the keyboard parts. 

Vocals are delivered by two very talented singers Pete and Ness. The banter and chemistry between the two creates a great atmosphere. 


The Dovey - Droitwich Spa - 13th April 

The Riflemans - Droitwich Spa - 25th May

Festival Event (TBC)- Droitwich Spa - Saturday 27th July

Saltfest - Droitwich Spa - Friday 30th August

Halloween Event - 25th, 26th, 27th October

The Riflemans - Droitwich Spa - 2nd November

The Alma Tavern - Worcester - 21st December

Further Dates TBC - Currently taking bookings

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